kromek Rad Angel (RA4S)


Extremely well packaged


Back of box note japan only and I’m guessing 195 as serial number

image image

Side mentions RAd Bar ios app- no longer available




To  get usb adapter in box it has two pins and one shielded- should have shield on it and can be used in uk shaver adapter




Usb lead for charging, kspect connection




Left 3.5 combo jack which outputs 48kz analogue output for Imetry etc


Battery light in green and goes to red when empty

Blue detection light



Rad angel branded combo jack- unknown if centre tag contains any  hardware.



Kromek Kspect MCA, basic and told hundreds £ if wanted the Multispect software with isotope identification.

Rad Angel Cs137
Rad Angel and Cs137 soil in lead pig imetry


Theremino MCA experimental settings with Rad Angel

radangel am241

radangel Th234



While I hoped that lower FWHM would result in rapid isotope detection and superiour performance at low levels in lead pig.

The following became apparent:-

  • 5x5x5mm detector takes far longer to recognise Cs137 contaminated soil than 2 inch nal (Ti)
  • Longer duration runs overnight should offset to some degree the previous comment and hopefully as lower FWHM should make data easier to check.
  • Multispect software may be worth the money- no free trial and nothing to temp us to spend hundreds.
  • Kspect software cramped-Theremino MCA will be pressed into service.
  • Imetry software on ios seems far more responsive than Kspect side by side-going mobile this is my choice of MCA
  • Neat charger-shame un shielded pins
  • Digital output could be polled by linux
  • Analogue output far more versatile
  • can be self powered( from Rad Angel battery) on ipad etc
  • Urban prospecting without raising concern.